Gaming Industry - Fastest Growing and Developing Industry in 2021

The Billion-dollar and fastest-growing industry in present and future is the gaming industry. this industry also changes every time, In 2020 the gaming industry work on mobile gaming and e-sport.

many professional gamers earn a million dollars by playing a game. In 2016 third of the world's population around 2.5 billion people were playing video games. more than 660 million people watched other people's video gameplay on twitch or youtube video platforms in 2017.

In the US, a developer can earn around $1,00,000 a year and in India, the Indian developer earns 5,00,000 rupee around $6,000 a year.

we know this industry has a lot of potential in the future, but we talking about this industry we need to know some comment things and also we have some common questions like those.

  • What is this industry?
  • How does the industry work and grow?
  • How much do you earn for this industry?
  • How many opportunities in this industry?

so scroll down this article and discover more things about this higher growing and competitive industry.

What is the gaming industry?

The gaming industry is an economic sector which involved with video games, that means all part of video game which interlinked to games like hardware, software, game tools, development, sales, streaming, tournaments, equipment, product, manufacture, etc.

In simple words, the gaming industry is that worldwide people invest and earn money by the gaming, The gaming industry is not only for entertainment or fun but this industry works like other industries.

In the short gaming industry is equal to a growing business.

when we talk about the gaming industry, we need to understand how this industry works.

How does the gaming industry work?

Process or Method of games to get the consumer, we understand that things with a simple example. we divide this work into three-stage for better understanding.

1. First Stage

Video Game Developers create games at a cost of time, money, and costly equipment. this thinks to provide by a publisher because a Game Publisher finances a video game.

This process is very complex and struggling with danger because the game has no future without consumers. If the game can't gain some consumers so that game got to flop and publishers face a big financial loss.

That's why a game developer's job is very difficult and very responsible for all things that are connected with the game.

2. Second Stage

when the developers finish that work of the game, the developer handover game to a publisher, now publisher job started.

The video game publishers get to publish the games in a market; The publishers are an investor of games.

Game publisher introduces a game in a market by marketing, advertisement, and many things which help to gain a lot of consumers. Most gaming companies did the job of the publisher.  The gaming company gets income to sell games.

In simple words, the game publisher's job is to take a game to the developer and get to the consumer.

3. Third Stage

At last, a consumer buy game. That thing is most important because the game value is affected by the consumer number. A game value is decided by popularity and several users play games.

What are the jobs in the gaming industry?

The Gaming Industry is more growth in the present and future. In the gaming industry, any type of work and career or job options are available because this industry is very similar to the film industry and it's also connected with the entertainment industry. That's why this industry has lots of career or job options.

Gaming Industry - Fastest Growing and Developing Industry in 2021

Here, We share some of the common job and career prospects in the gaming industry like those.

Common Jobs

  • Game Developer,
  • Game Designers,
  • Game Artists/Multimedia Artist/Animator
  • Customer Support Agent in the Gaming industry
  • Composer/Musician
  • Game Programmers, 
  • Network Programmer,
  • Game/ Script Writers,
  • Voice Actor,
  • Audio/ Sound Engineers,
  • Game Testers,
  • Game Management

Self-made career option

here are some more popular career option

  • competitive gamer,
  • professional gamer,
  • live stream,
  • individual game developer,
  • more things.

Branch of the gaming industry

  1. Video Gaming Industry
  2. PC Gaming Industry
  3. Mobile Gaming Industry
  4. Online Gaming Industry
  5. Console Gaming
  6. Esports
  7. Gaming Tournaments

Gaming industry prediction for growth and revenue

The global video games market was valued in 2018 at around $134.9bn. The gaming industry has 2.5 billion gamers across the world and they will spend $152.1 billion on games in 2019.

The console will be the fastest-growing segment to $47.9 billion in 2019. Many people's predictions for the gaming industry are Consumer spend on games will grow to $196.0 billion by 2022.

The video game industry is growing so fast that some believe it will reach over $300 billion by 2025.

Best Gaming companies in the world

  1. Sony Computer Entertainment
  2. Microsoft Studios
  3. Nintendo
  4. SEGA
  5. Activision Blizzard
  6. Namco Bandai
  7. Electronic Arts
  8. Ubisoft
  9. Konami
  10. Square Enix

and also many other companies.

Positive points of the gaming industry

Gaming is most popular among teenagers and youngsters. Mostly many teenagers wish to become gamers or work in the gaming industry. Gaming is popular as a career option to present.

Gaming has given many different types of job options like a graphics designer, game tester, live streamer, etc.

In the world gaming is used for practical learning, military training, learn driving, and sometimes use as study material (example:- video games use in school for teaching English alphabet and word).
Many economic persons said gaming is a profitable business in the future.

The gaming industry introduces a new type of sport called electronic sport or e-sport.

Many physical sports like football, cricket, tennis, archery, summing, all are available as video games and anyone can play them; it's such beautiful for physically challenged persons.

The gaming industry is changing aver single day. that's why thousands of websites are work with it and some work surrounding it.
[this site also inclluded]

large of number people invest money in gaming and many earn much more. Few-time gamers, gaming channels of YouTube or Twitt, and competitive gamers earn money without any type of investment.
the gaming industry is the most growing industry similar to the film industry.

Negative points of the gaming industry

The gaming industry depends on games and consumers. but the game is not a simple thing, the game gets some bad infected on humans. many times the world sees some bad effects on humans by games.
gaming is entertaining but it makes me more addicted to it. this addiction affects people's life, mentality, and behavior. many types of games take effect on our brain and emotions.

many people play the game for enjoyment but someone suffering from mental problems and physical problems after many hours plays a game. maybe it's like over-aggressive, body or eye weakness, lost own mental stability and sometimes, people lost their life.

here are five examples of the dangerous effect of gaming.

one 10-year-old boy gets a heart attack by playing a horror game at midnight.

"pokemon go" this game also affects people's brains and is responsible for many accidents worldwide.

here is one more incident which discovers mental problems by gaming.
10th standard student fails in the board exam because he played the whole year PUBG game and he could not focus on the study.

But not an all game like this just some game harmful like this.

mostly no one suffering all time it's just some week mentality person affected with that type of problem.


The gaming industry has a lot of opportunities for financial and economic growth. Does anyone think joining this industry is good for them but the gaming industry needs some skills, knowledge, and specialty in work?

The gaming industry is so big so if anyone thinks I am creative so I should be a gamer or developer, it's the wrong thing. gaming needs creativity but also needs other things like management skills, coding, marketing, etc.

Most youths think work in the gaming industry is so cool, joyful but it's a responsible job like other jobs.

If anyone thinks want to enter the gaming industry, so first understand this industry and specified which works well for them.

you think selecting gaming as a career or full-time profession, so get first counseling by parents or counselor someone who belongs to the gaming industry.

Gaming is very well and it for all but doesn't forget the gaming industry is the same as business.
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